
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin in Bed with TransCanada

Here's another good reason for South Dakota landowners (not to mention real free-market Republicans) to vote against John McCain: his running mate Sarah Palin is helping TransCanada pay its lawyer bills:

TransCanada Corp., the nation's largest pipeline company, won approval from Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to build a $27 billion pipeline to carry natural gas from the Arctic to U.S. markets.

...Under its license agreement with the state, TransCanada will get a $500 million subsidy in return for seeking federal regulatory approval for the project and finding customers for the pipeline. The license doesn't guarantee construction of the project [Eduard Gismatullin, "TransCanada Gets Alaska Governor Palin's Approval for Pipeline,", 2008.08.29].

Governor Sarah Palin is sending 500 million tax dollars to foreign-owned TransCanada, the same company that spent the past year siccing lawyers on South Dakota landowners to seize their land through eminent domain.

Wow: I was thinking Palin was the new Dan Quayle. But with Big Oil favors like this, maybe she's more Dick Cheney.

Update 18:10 CDT: More on Palin and TransCanada at Dakota 21!


  1. The same species of animal whose meat is on your plate tonight might have you for supper tomorrow.

    We need the oil, but I don't like eminent domain abuse that is done for any corporation's benefit.

    Have Obama or Biden said anything about this pipeline business?

  2. We need the natural gas, too! (Why do I keep thinking this is to be an oil pipeline?)

    Palin is acting in the economic interest of her state. Can't fault her for that. But then, I am not one of the people whose land is to be seized by higher powers -- yet.

  3. Hi Cory,

    Find me a link that says directly Palin wants to use eminent domain to seize land... I mean, that's your inference, your guilt-by-association...

    We need alternative energy, but we also need domestic oil until all those technologies are in place. Transcanada was the only company qualified to get oil from the North Slope down to the lower 48. Yeah I'm against eminent domain for corporate profits, but that's Transcanada being nasty, not Palin being nasty.

    By the way, for someone "in bed" with big oil, she:

    1) Resigned her post as the chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Republican members.

    2) After she resigned, Palin exposed the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time and working closely with a company he was supposed to be regulating.

    3) Rescinded 35 appointments made by Murkowski in the last hours of his administration, including that of his former chief of staff James "Jim" Clark to the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority. Clark later pleaded guilty to conspiring with a defunct oil-field-services company to channel money into Frank Murkowski's re-election campaign.

    Sarah is definitely all about business-as-usual when it comes to Big Oil. [/sarcasm]

    Happy, as always, to teach you more about the greatness of Sarah Palin.

    Kind regards,


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