
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Agree 2 Disagree SD: Think South Dakota Crossfire, But More Civil

Via StandUpSD, I learn about Agree2DisagreeSD, a new two-man blog by Mark and Matt, one a South Dakota native, one a 21st-century transplant from Ohio. Mark leans Dem, Matt leans GOP, and they share a blog. Fun concept!

But the big concept here, says Matt: "Since college, I have simply been an observer. But, that is about to change with this blog."

Exactly: blogging and the Internet are all about making it possible for every citizen to quit being a spectator or a consumer of media and become a producer of media, an active participant in civic discourse.

Just 9 posts in, Mark and Matt's discourse remains civic and civil. And in another good sign, their comments are on. Good luck, neighbors -- keep the conversation going!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an interesting concept!

    I just wish that Matt was as conservative as Mark is liberal. Maybe I'll warm up to it after a few more posts.


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