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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Republican National Convention: All Doublespeak

You don't have to read Orwell to understand what the Republican National Convention was selling this week, but it helps. Doublespeak, wall to wall. Todd Epp mentioned it yesterday. Joe Biden certainly caught it (thanks, Scott!). Bob Herbert sums it up nicely today:

If there was one pre-eminent characteristic of the Republican convention this week, it was the quality of deception. Words completely lost their meaning. Reality was turned upside down.

From the faux populist gibberish mouthed by speaker after speaker, you would never have known that the Republicans have been in power over the past several years and used that titanic power to lead the country to its present sorry state [Bob Herbert, "Running from Reality," New York Times, 2008.09.06].

From Leslee Unruh to John McCain, the fundagelical-conservative GOP hucksters just can't win on facts and policy:
  • Abstinence-only education doesn't stop teen pregnancy.
  • Outlawing abortion doesn't reduce abortion rates.
  • Democratic presidents produce better economic results than Republican presidents.
  • Deregulation brings us the home mortgage mess that taxpayers will soon have to pay for.
Facts don't treat the GOP well. So they have to turn the campaign into an exercise in personality and bogus rhetoric. Go figure.


  1. Madison is about the size of Palin's Wasilla. If the mayor hasn't brought home $27 million of earmarks like Palin did for Wasilla, maybe he's slacking. http://www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/2008/palin_earmarks.html

    On the other hand, if Madison isn't $20 million in debt, as Palin created for Wasilla, then maybe the Madison mayor's doing okay. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0808/12987.html

    When asked whether Palin could run a town without experienced leaders, (since was purging current leaders), she replied, "It's not rocket science, It's $6 million and 53 employees."

    This shouts volumes about McCain's impulsive and reckless judgment.

  2. Ya' gotta love these hypocritical "rule of law" right wingnuts. One "mistake" - forgiveable, but half a dozen?

    McCain's blantantly violated copyright was served cease and desist orders or law suits for using songs or works in campaign materials, from Heart, Jackson Browne, Frankie Valki, Wayne's World, and the theme from Rocky. http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/05/barracuda-nope-just-a-copyright-infringer/

  3. According to the "Republican Tide" site, the Republican convention had a larger average TV audience than the Democratic convention, and more people saw Palin's speech than saw Biden's.

    Guess a lot of people got taken in!

    I didn't watch any of it. I blogged, listened to jazz and read library books. I'm going to fill in all the "R" dots at the polls anyway, just like any good Republican robot. ;÷)

  4. Come on Stan. Time have changed, from the strait party vote. I am a Republican and proud of it. However, there are many instances that I have voted for a democratic candidate over the years. The R or D behind a name doesn't mean they are the best candidate. You have to do your research on each candidate and make an educated decision on the issues that are important to you. Not every Republican is pro gun rights, pro life etc.... And not all Democrats are against gun rights or pro. choice.

    For example, John McCain is not all that in favor of ethanol. Now being from SD, that is not a good thing just ask John Thune. With that being said I am voting for McCain, I have personnaly met Obama, and don't beleive he is the right candidate at this time based upon my own educated research of him and his stances.

    Signed: hellifino

  5. Hellifino,

    In re the Robotic Republican Voting Protocol (RRVP) ...

    I was kidding!

    That's why I put the winking emoticon at the end of my previous comment.

    Aloha! :-)

  6. Abstinence-only education doesn't stop teen pregnancy
    Neither does sex ed. classes. I'd much rather get rid of the pretense entirely so bad parents no longer have the ability to evade dealing with the issue by passing the buck to public schools.

    Outlawing abortion doesn't reduce abortion rates.
    Simply passing a law seldom does solve problems. But that doesn't mean society should legalize any criminal activity that it can't quite manage to control. Non-progressive thinking (ie. logic) would guide use to fixing the strategy rather than raising the french flag.

    Democratic presidents produce better economic results than Republican presidents.
    Hardly: Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, and FDR.

    Deregulation brings us the home mortgage mess.
    Sounds like someone trying to justify sticking their progressive hands back into the cookie jar to me. More regulation isn't justified every time somebody gets hurt. Lots of people were stupid and earned their pain, corporate entities included, and government shouldn't be bailing them out. Just let Fannie Mae fail, the bankruptcy court can then break it up like the monopoly it is.

  7. An unregulated, speculative stock market created Hoovervilles, not FDR. Wall Street worked around that through the mortgage industry. Jimmy Carter at least wanted people to take responsibility for themselves: "In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning." Not yet Jimmy.

  8. FDR just kept them hoovervilles for a full decade only ended by Hitler, not by the New Deal


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