
Thursday, April 23, 2009

New South Dakota Local Foods Directory Hits Shelves

Get yourself some home-cooking... or at least some neighborhood cooking! Dakota Rural Action has just put out the mighty second edition of its South Dakota Local Foods Directory. Toss out that salsa from New York City; get some real South Dakota chow in your system.

Pickings are still slim in Lake County, with only two local producers listed:
...but don't forget the farmers market starting in July. We anticipate some more vendors this year, as the recession may inspire more folks to plant the back 40 (40 square feet, that is) to tomatoes, cukes, and other goodies to supplement the income or at least cut the grocery bill.

And my random yummy pick: if you pay the Flying Tomato Farms a visit, you might also want to swing by Vermillion's R-Pizza: dough and sauce made from scratch, local produce used as often as the season allows... that sounds good!


  1. Vermillion's best pizza! My dinner of choice for when working with the veggies has made me too tired to actually prepare any!

  2. Somehow, even at 9:45am, you've managed to make me hungry for pizza. I <3 R Pizza!


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