
Friday, May 22, 2009

MWAIS 2009 Conference Comes to DSU: Local Boys Present Paper

Egghead alert! Experts from all over the Midwest are coming to Madison for the Midwest Association for Informations Systems (MWAIS) 2009 conference right here at Dakota State University. Conferences are a big deal for us academics: it's where we prove how smart and deserving of tenure (for profs) or doctorates (for us lowly grad students) we are. We get good ideas from other researchers. There's also that networking thing that my profs tell me is really important but which I still just don't get into very eagerly.

But hey! I get to read a paper! My good friend and fellow Bulldog debate alumnus Toby Uecker and I co-authored a paper on using storytelling as a way to research (formal title: "Scholarly Personal Narrative as Information Systems Research Methodology"). Toby had to go to Europe this week, so he's missing out on the fun here. I'll have to present our paper solo on Saturday morning.

I'm just a little nervous: information systems researchers tend to be pretty numbers-oriented. Storytelling might be outside their methodological comfort zone, and they might bring some stiff questions. But hey, it's no worse than debate round I ever competed in. Bring on those questions!


  1. As I've progressed in my academic career I've found it progressively more important to write to a well defined audience. Your list of points (1-10) are just good writing skills. To be truly successful (pull in serious grants/receive invitations for paper submissions), is to define who it's that you're writing to and focus on them alone. It's very important to write to the groups that are leading rather than trying to generalize.

  2. And that's something I'll struggle with in academia, Tony. I know we've got to get the grants and the scores in the big journals, but old English teacher that I am, I'm still hung up on sharing our knowledge with the general audience, giving as wide exposure as possible. Is there any hope for me as a prof?


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