
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Farmers Union Holds Climate Change Forum in Brookings Wednesday

While the Farm Bureau gets a little free press for its pro-Big-Ag, anti-Michael-Pollan propaganda, the Farmers Union provides a forum Wednesday for all sides to discuss climate change legislation. Tomorrow night, Wednesday, November 18, 7 p.m., speakers and interested citizens will gather on the SDSU campus in Rotunda D to talk about what we need to do about clean energy and American energy security.

Among the speakers are two fellas known to be on opposite sides of the issue: Matt McGovern of Repower America and Rep. Todd Schlekeway (R-11/Sioux Falls). Rep. Schlekeway signed the misnamed "No Climate Tax Pledge" for the Americans for Prosperity last summer, but he did vote for limiting some local carbon emissions last winter; perhaps he and McGovern can find some common ground after all! Maybe they'll even promote conservation and carpool from Sioux Falls....

Also serving on Wednesday's forum panel:
  • Jay Bender, President of Falcon Plastics, Inc., Former Chairman, SD Chamber of Commerce (let's see if he takes the Apple line on the Chamber's climate change denial)
  • Doug Sombke, President of South Dakota Farmers Union (get ready for a check on the pro-corporate line)
  • Steve Wegman, Executive Director of the SD Wind Energy Association
  • Moderator: David J. Law, KXLG Radio News Director
Note to all forum participants: see the really cool map (maybe cool isn't the right word) Badlands Blue provides of NASA data on global temperatures. Pass the lemonade... or the supermodels.


  1. By any chance, would this be taped and broadcast on public TV? It should be. We are all interested in this discussion but may not be able to attend.

  2. Good morning, Linda! I haven't heard that there will be any video/audio coverage... we might just have to keep our eyes out on YouTube for clips.

    Say, for Madison folks who can't make it, I'll bet we could host a forum right here. Call Jason: maybe you and he and the 9/12 group could sponsor a forum on ACESA at the Playhouse! McGovern and Schlekeway might not mind making the trip; you could invite someone from East River to attend, get Matt Groce to moderate... and you'd get some visibility for your group! Interested?

  3. "you'd get some visibility for your group! Interested?"

    Cory, true grassroots don't need "visibility".

  4. Funny, Steve -- is that the same marketing strategy you use for your blog?


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