
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Madville Times Readers Want Primary Challenge to Herseth Sandlin

The most recent Madville Times asked you, dear readers, "Would you like to see a Democrat challenge Herseth in the primary?" 108 of you took time to tell us all what you think (thank you!). The results: we want a rumble!

Yes: Replace SHS with a real Dem!
42 (38%)
Yes: SHS will win, but she needs a challenge.
24 (22%)
Yes: Dem primary helps GOP!
9 (8%)
No: SHS is the best!
12 (11%)
No: SHS will win; why bother?
15 (13%)
No: Dem primary helps GOP!
6 (5%)

68% of you would like to see some brave Dem find his or her inner Wellstone (or Wasson?) and challenge the status quo. Only a handful of those respondents indicated they were Republicans chomping at the bit for a Dem bloodbath.

The number I'd worry about if I were sitting in 331 Cannon or the Sioux Falls office: only 11% of respondents on this Democrat-leaning blog rejected a primary on the basis of SHS being "the best."

Opportunity is knocking, young rising Dems! The incumbent is weak, voters want a discussion, and there's a new open primary offering the chance to draw Dems and Independents to your cause. Now's the perfect time to jump in and lead the conversation!


  1. If we can come up with a decent-enough Dem to challenge Stephanie, wouldn't it be better to put that person up against a REAL threat, such as Thune, who is in a weaker position than you'd think. We need to keep our focus on actual Republicans.

  2. Missed something here...when did Wasson turn Dem?

  3. Wasson keeps me wondering, Taunia. When he talks about things like opening free trade with Iran, scaling back our presence in Afghanistan, and looking for the positive side to cap and trade, I hear a Republican who might speak some truth to the status quo, without apologizing or triangulating He just says what he thinks. I wonder if we could find a Dem who would do the same and shake up our somewhat timid state party.


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