
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dems Protect America; Thune Votes Against U.S. Military

Support the troops? Not if it doesn't fit the GOP's agenda.

In a glittering example of putting partisan politics above America's security, Senator John Thune voted against giving our brave men and women in uniform the resources they need to defeat the enemies of freedom. 29 Senators, all Republicans, joined Senator Thune in this cynical ploy to turn our soldiers into pawns in their Beltway machinations. Their vote would have blocked funding for the Pentagon and left our soldiers and our homeland defenseless against al-Qaeda, North Korea, Iran, and all the other threats our nation faces in these troubled times.

Fortunately, the patriotic Democratic majority, plus true American socialist Senator Sanders from Vermont, stood firm in their resolve to support our armed forces. Republican Senators Collins, Hutchison, and Snowe deserve credit for defying their myopic GOP bosses and casting the right vote in the ongoing Global War on Terror.

(Gee, I see why the right-wingers enjoy using this language: jingoism is seductively fun!)


  1. That sounded like it came straight from some Soviet news agency.

    TASS would be very proud of you.

  2. Steve Sibson12/20/2009 1:50 PM


    The legisaltion contianed extending subsidized Cobra for teh unemployed. Looks like the insurance companies are very happen and must have lobbied for this. I alos will be posting analysis showing that the insurance lobby also wants the estate taxes reinstated. They make billions on estate tax planning.

    If you read Obamanomics, you will learn that the Democrats are as much tied to the Big Insurance special interest as the Republicans. In fact, Big Insurance are behind the current version of Obamacare. This doesn't sound patriotic to me. Can't we give the military the money they need without expanding the welfare state?

  3. Спасибо, товарищ! Давайте боремся за правду и революцию!

  4. Too funny CH. They love that kind of language when it is used to attack Democrats, but just don't see the humor in it when it makes Republican fools look like fools.

    Garrison Keillor wrote in TIME that the function of public radio is to keep wingnuts stirred up as they drive and alert so they don't drive into fire hydrants and kill themselves. Even so, they are remarkably ungrateful for the service it provides.

    Steve thinks Saul Alinsky must be a commy because he advocated such revolutionary things as leaving chewed bubble gum all over sidewalks as a protest. I have a few coffee cans full of stale bubble gum. Where do we want to put it to wake up those who are not yet aware that getting the government off your back allows the corporations to gang rape them.

    HO, HO...and all that *

    * But, don't take that as a season's greeting if you hear it from Tiger Wood.

  5. 12/20/2009 2:50 PM
    caheidelberger said...

    Thanks, comrade! Give we fight for the truth and the revolution!

    Firefox and hyperwords or whatever else I installed as a plugin. Not perfect however. Can't translate Sibby's spelling to English.

  6. Steve Sibson12/20/2009 9:19 PM


    The legisaltion contained extending subsidized COBRA for the unemployed. Looks like the insurance companies are very happy and must have lobbied for this. I also will be posting analysis showing that the insurance lobby also wants the estate taxes reinstated. They make billions on estate tax planning.

    If you read Obamanomics, you will learn that the Democrats are as much tied to the Big Insurance special interest as the Republicans. In fact, Big Insurance are behind the current version of Obamacare. This doesn't sound patriotic to me. Can't we give the military the money they need without expanding the welfare state?

    OK Cory, now are you ready to fulfill your moderation rules. Be honest, be real. Both your and Doung's race card based personal attacks don't meet Keloland's standards.

  7. "OK Cory, now are you ready to fulfill your moderation rules. Be honest, be real. Both your and Doung's race card based personal attacks don't meet Keloland's standards."

    What does anything in this discussion have to do with race?

    KELO has always favored anti-women's posters on the abortion issue. They allowed pro-rights writers to be attacked as murderers, nazi Butchers, etc. but would and did delete a post correctly labeling those who support the rights of rapists to force a woman to bear their child and spread their genes through her as a tool as rapist rights advocates.

    In their old forums they deleted any support for Bill Clinton as well. KELO is not a bastian of free right speech. It is their blog system and they do what they want with it.

    I confess to not understanding their perspectives.

    As for the wingnuts, they have more in common with Saudi Arabia executing "sorcerers" than they do with classical western democratic ideals.


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