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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weather Report from Lake Herman: Wet!

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it... other than shooting YouTube videos! John Nelson on the east side of Madison reports four inches last night alone. Here's the view from Lake Herman of our prairie monsoon season:

Part I: The Driveway—Too Much Water

Part II: The Boat Ramp—Conservation of Gravel and Energy

Part III: The Yard: Gophers Afloat


  1. That gopher hole "gusher" is really unique. I haven't ever seen this before either. We had over 2.11 inches again this morning. Yesterday 1.51 inches so we're still behind people east of us. I wish people could see the lake and how the winds make for interesting patterns of whitecaps and going all different ways when the wind is on it like last night. Surprisingly calmer right here on shore while the lake was moving every which way. Fun. Enjoyed the sight! Grandma

  2. A cousin on Lake Madison tells me that boat docks from across the lake are washing up on the shore. Our daughter on 4th Street West has had over 4.5 inches and says the creek in her backyard is over the banks and as high as she has ever seen it.

  3. Is all this precipitation due to global warming? Because I thought that global warming would cause a drought.

  4. sorry no signiture

    Tim Higgins

  5. I'll remain agnostic on connecting any specific weather event to global climate change. However, I will note that NASA cites many possible consequences of global warming. Weather patterns shift: some places might go dry, others might get more storms and flooding. In general, warmer air can hold more moisture, which means that when it does rain, it may dump even harder.

  6. ...that last point I'm taking from a conversation on MPR yesterday morning. A caller asked about how much snow our current storms would produce if they hit in winter. The meteorologist said that one inch of rain may translate to ten inches of snow, but you can't assume that you'll get storms with the same moisture potential in December as we do in September because cold winter air can't hold as much tropical moisture.

  7. No Tim, that's a statement from the deniers about Climate Change. Just read scientists believe the pattern of heavy rain and snow will continue for 10 years. At least we aren't Devils Lake ND: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/24/devils-lake-north-dakota-_n_737753.html

  8. Dang, John -- that Devil's Lake situation is a mess! I'm glad I live on the high side of Lake Herman: Madison will be underwater long before water laps at my cabin door.


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