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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hang Up the Scrubs -- The Closing Crew!

Here's the hearty corps of Blizzard makers who saw Miracle Treat Day at Madison Dairy Queen to its happy conclusion!

By the way, see the girl in the front of the crew? That's Katie. She had her wisdom teeth out Monday. She worked a full day today. That's the Madison DQ spirit.

Thanks, Madison Dairy Queen, thanks DeLon, Lana, and everyone else on staff, and thanks to everyone in and around Madison who made this day another remarkable Miracle Treat Day. The Madville Times will post the final Blizzard count (and the winner of the pool!) as soon as that information is available!


  1. Good work, Cory. 13 hours blogging at DQ -- go to bed now....

  2. Thanks, jpa...zzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzz...

  3. How much was raised for charity and how much was raised for DQ?

  4. DeLon hasn't tabbed the numbers for the day yet. (As you can see, he spent the day hustling around the store and all around town, not hunching over his adding machine counting up sales.) His profits are his business -- you can stop by the Dairy Queen and ask him yourself. The amount that goes to CMN is the price of every Blizzard minus the cost of ingredients.

  5. Anonymous said...
    How much was raised for charity and how much was raised for DQ?

    8/10/2007 5:03 AM

    Shame on you for asking such a question. DeLon and Kristel have their hearts in the right place.

    Is yours?

  6. The crew at DQ were pleasant and polite, thanking everyone for purchasing blizzards and inviting them to come again. This isn't just a Blizzard Treat Day phenomenon, this happens on a day to day basis. It's always a pleasure to go to the Dairy Queen. DeLon and his crew are top notch folks. Thanks guys and girls for your dedication to the patrons.


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