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Thursday, August 9, 2007

In the Pool If You're Cool -- Place Your... Best Guesses!

Folks have been asking, "How many Blizzards are we up to?" I can honestly say that neither I nor DeLon nor Lana nor anyone else knows for sure. Things have been moving fast, and there will be some heavy accounting to do in the wee hours. We can see we're doing well, and DeLon and Lana both sound confident that they've beaten last year's sales, but we hacve no certain information beyond that.

In the midst of this uncertainty, one eager reader and DQ visitor has thrown down the gauntlet... a gauntlet holding ten free Blizzard tickets for the person who posts the closest guess as to the final count! So here it is:

The Madison Dairy Queen Blizzard Count Contest!

Submit your best guess:
What will be the final Blizzard count
for Miracle Treat Day at the Madison Dairy Queen?

Prize for Closest Guess: Ten Free Blizzard Coupons!

We have these guesses so far:

Our eager donor's guess: 10,221
Scott Parsley stops by the table and says 4220.
Melba Bickett says 5,217.
Aaron Koster says 4,500
Damek Tomscha says 5,100
Ryan Koster: 4,900
Carvel Johnson: 4,951
Dedrick Wiese: 4,600

That's a big range! What do you think? Stop in this evening and give your guess in person to the Madville Times, or submit your guess as a comment to this post. Employees of Dairy Queen hardly have time to step away from the Blizzard machine, let alone be eligible for the pool. If you submit a guess, be sure to submit some identifying information so the Madville Times can get the Blizzard coupons to the lucky winner. But guess soon! Contest closes when Madison DQ does tonight (at 11 p.m. or so!).

Hey, it's not gambling. It's public opinion research on impressions of business success, with compensation for the individual who provides the most effective interpretation of available data. So don't worry: guess now!


  1. Another guess: 4840, Stephanie Tomscha

  2. I think it'd be great if they doubled last year's total, so my guess: 7606

  3. More guesses:

    Lynn Johnson: 5,115
    Lars Johnson: 4,372

  4. More Ueckers weigh in:

    Pastor Uecker: 5280 (he promises no inside information from Upstairs)
    Josh Uecker: 6002

    The Madville Times eagerly awaits Mrs. Uecker's guess to show up the men of the family....

  5. Judge Tucker: 5623 (he promises fair treatment in court to anyone who outguesses him ;-) )

  6. Jean Bergan guesses: 5699

  7. 7000

    Josh Pauli


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