...and you thought the Madville Times was the only outfit in town making up big words...
MDL tonight publishes the largest word ever to hit its pages (at since some Welsh Antidisestablishmentarians crashed a Lutheran wedding in 1921): technoentrepreneurism, as in the new Center of Technoentrepreneurism being created by Dakota State University and the Lake Area Improvement Corporation [Elisa Sand, "DSU, LAIC Develop Center for Entreprenuers," Madison Daily Leader, 2007.08.20].
The new center, being developed by DSU assistant professor Josh Pauli and LAIC director Dwaine Chapel, hasn't taken solid form yet, but from Sand's description in tonight's paper, it appears the intention is to help local entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into reality. The center will focus on tech-related business plans, but Sand reports that Chapel says the center will consider evaluting any sort of business plan.
First off, kudos to Chapel and Pauli for braving a new and massive word. Heck, that's as long a noun as Cory Allen Heidelberger! But don't order that big sign yet! If we actually have the budget for a sign with that many letters, we ought to go one more. Given that entrepreneurship is the recognized hypernominalization of entrepreneur, let's go for 22 letters: technoentrepreneurship!!! (That's the term used on the International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship; maybe the center can get a free subscription.)
Secondly and more significantly, DSU and LAIC deserve some credit for following up so quickly on the forum on universities and economic development held at DSU last month. This new center appears directed at the need for universities to offer entrepreneurs among their students, faculties, and local communities more assistance in turning ideas into bankable goods and services.
Sand tells us the Center of Technoentrepreneurism will include a board of eight DSU and LAIC personnel to review business plans. The center also has $50,000 in funding from LAIC and DSU (our tuition and tax dollars at work). They'll start working with student entrepreneurs this fall.
Hmm... maybe the Madville Times should submit a business plan. If the new center can help this blog make money, it can do anything!
It’s time to fix the Denty!
So I heard last year these bids were coming up, can’t wait to see the
price-tags on this. Of course, if the repairs are reasonable they will come
out of th...
18 hours ago
Neat concept AND neat word to go with it. I'm impressed! With perhaps a bit of Jackrabbit bias/loyalty, I would point out that Josh Pauli and Dwaine Chapel need look no further than good ol' Brookings to find the South Dakota Enterprise Institute, a possible SDSU-based model for what DSU hopes to accomplish in its own individually tech-savvy way. In exchange, maybe young DSU entrepreneurs can help make the SDEI web site a little schnazzier and easier to find!