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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Real Pro-Life Policy: Time off for Nookie!

An earlier commenter suggested the way to increase the number of kids in our high school band is to have more babies. Well, the Russian province of Ulyanovsk is putting that sort of thinking into official policy. To fight Russia's dwindling population (what?! things are worse under capitalism than communism? that's a different debate), Governor Sergei Morozov has declared September 12 "Conception Day" and is encouraging residents to take the day off work and make babies. [See Mikhail Bely, "Patriot Babies: Russian Province Holds 'Conception Day,'" AFP on Yahoo News, 2007.09.12.]

Says Governor Morozov, "It is a wonderful idea to make September 12 a holiday.... People can spend more time with their families, communicate, go to the cinema and direct their energies along the needed course, not least for the prosperity of Ulyanovsk." Added a spokeswoman, "The purpose is to improve the demographic situation and support family values."

Governor Morozov picked September 12 for this family-values holiday since it falls nine months before June 12, the patriotic "Russia Day." According to AFP, last June 12, Morozov offered fridges, televisions, and an off-road vehicle to lucky families who managed to bring little Russians into the world on that patriotic holiday. The governor may repeat these population development incentives next year.

Ulyanovsk is not alone in its pro-life push. Vladimir Putin has put all of Russia on alert by naming fixing the population problem a "national priority" [Bely]. But Putin isn't just going on Fox News and shouting, "More babies! We love babies!" He's putting the nation's money where his mouth is, offering moms 250,000 rubles ($9,555) to have second children.

You want real pro-life legislation? There you go: time off work for nookie, plus lovely prizes and cash for your trouble. Yeeha!

Hey, you folks crafting yet another abortion ban for the 2008 Legislature! Any chance you could take a cue from the Russians and include some incentives that might actually promote your pro-life philosophy?


  1. Doggone it! Why can't we get cool holidays like this!

  2. Oh, but we could! All it takes is a creative political mind and the ability to realize that "pro-life" means a lot more than just picketing abortion clinics.

  3. Two thoughts to reduce teen-pregnancy.
    First- Funding and promoting womens extra-curricular activities.
    Second- discover a male contraceptive implant that all high school freshmen would get that would last 4-6 years. It would encourage sexual activity even more than condoms but only if they knew what it was. Ideally I'd give it to them and tell them its a tracking device 8P


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