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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Commissioner Jerry Johnson -- Philosopher

Expect the Madville Times radar to ping loudly any time the word "philosophical" appears in the hallowed pages of the Madison Daily Leader. Earning that appellation in last night's Leader is Madison City Commissioner Jerry Johnson -- not to be confused with Madison Fire Chief Jerry Johnson, who also figures in the fore of this story. Commissioner Johnson was the only dissenting vote Monday night as the city commission awarded to the Madison Volunteer Fire Department the highest honor the City of Madison can bestow: a one-day malt beverage license for a dance. (Recall that only the bravest, most worthy citizens have a chance of receiving this honor: this summer, not even the Jaycees or the DSU Athletic Department could win this prize.)

MDL's Chuck Clement explains the vote of our philosopher-king:

Commissioner Johnson told Fire Chief Jerry Johnson that his objection fell mostly along philosophical lines and not due to actual problems related to the firefighters' annual dance. Commissioner Johnson asked if there was 'a better, more appropriate place than the city armory' for the fundraiser that involves alcohol" [emphasis added; see Chuck Clement, "Dance OK'd for Firefighters," Madison Daily Leader, 2007.10.30, p. 3].

Commission Johnson does indeed appear to be staking out admirable philosophical territory. His votes earlier this year suggest an increasing awareness of the city's role in projecting positive messages for the youth, and one of those messages is that it is possible to have fun without alcohol. Similar comments, not just from this writer but from other community members, have arisen in response to earlier one-day malt-beverage license requests. Commissioner Johnson appears ready to stand up for this philosophical principle even against the pressure of a community tradition.

That takes guts. The Madville Times respects guts... especially philosophical guts.

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