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Monday, October 1, 2007

Zaniya Project -- Where's My Report?

The Zaniya Project was charged by state law to submit its final report and recommendations for health care reform in South Dakota by September 30. If they met that deadline, no one's telling. Nothing in the media, nothing in the state news feed, nothing even on the Zaniya Project's own website (which also still hasn't posted minutes of its last three meetings). Let's get with the program, folks. If we're about to get socked with a Clinton/Romney Massachusetts plan to line the pockets of the insurance industry and insulate them from their own free-market failings, we need to know about it... so we can do our research, contact our legislators, and come up with something better (California Senate Bill 840, anyone?) before the session begins in January.

Speaking of reading, if the Zaniya folks are still scribbling away on their late homework, maybe they should read this collection of reports on the Masschusetts mandatory-insurance plan. They might learn that the Massachusetts plan

  1. doesn't help the middle class
  2. cooks the books to make it look like its succeeding
  3. makes the rich institutions (hospitals, insurance corporations) richer.

Gee, that sounds familiar.... At least we can count on State Senator Joel Dykstra to oppose such foolishness.

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