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Monday, January 28, 2008

Pipeline Tax Passes Committee, Heads for Floor

A correspondent in Pierre says SB 190, the two-cent-per-barrel pipeline tax, passed the Senate State Affairs Committee this morning on a 6-3 vote. Yahoo! At least three Republicans had to vote for it. I'm still thinking we should quintuple the tax -- ten cents a barrel is still just 0.1% of the value of the product, 40 times the rate South Dakota charges its own citizens for food. But two cents a barrel is better than a free pass for Big Oil. Call your legislators, tell them the pipeline tax is a source of revenue too good to pass up.

1 comment:

  1. It makes sense to tax the pipeline flow at a stronger level than what has been proposed because TransCanada needs South Dakota for its path, and we need the harmless tax revenue. This is a tax that will harm no one, nor cost a single South Dakotan a penny. The Governor is asking for new revenue sources, especially for funding education proposals....Well, here it is, and not one citizen of our great state would have to pay.


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