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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's Hump Day! Take a Survey!

I'm doing homework -- and you can help! (That'll get folks beating a path to my door! ;-) )

Just thought I'd offer a midweek pitch for my e-government survey (see the big link at the top of the right sidebar? yeah, the one that says "Take this survey!").

I've gotten some good responses since posting it on Friday -- thanks to all who've clicked in so far! Now let's keep the input coming. Just some questions on Internet use, the LRC website, and putting all this online whizbangery to work for democracy. It takes less than five minutes, although you're welcome to take your time and write longer asnwers. As Johnny Five says, "Need input! More input!" Thanks!


  1. Will it screw up your results if a non-South Dakotan takes the survey? :)

  2. I don't think so... Cory'll just have to enter in a new set of variables.

    I remember when my friend Joan was doing her master's thesis at SDSU. Her questionaire had a catagory for gender... Male or Female. One person wrote down "Gay".

    When it came time to putting in the data, she had to put down three variables for gender... Male, Female, and Gay! LOL

  3. suedoc -- I'm focusing on South Dakotans, but out-of-staters are potential users of our online legislative resources, so sure, I'll take out of state info! I don't have a separate question for residency status (yet -- maybe I can add one!); just add a note in one of the open-answer questions that you're from out-of-state. Thanks!


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