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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gonyo Online: Pro-Life, But Anti-Abortion Ban

I learn from an ad in the Montrose Herald that Senate candidate Dr. Charles Gonyo has joined GOP competitors Sam Kephart and Joel Dykstra in getting his views out on the Internet.

Dr. Gonyo's website makes clear his main issue is illegal immigration. He lists some other priorities, but absent from this list is abortion legislation. Gonyo does mention his stance on abortion, but he says legislation on the issue isn't a priority:

I would believe in education and encouragement in lieu of anti-aborition laws at the present time, not because I favor abortion, but because I do not believe anti-abortion laws would improve the child care by American citizens. I will listen to others and keep an open-mind.

Interesting -- at least we have one Republican candidate with a sense of the proper role of government and the constitutinoal rights of women. (Kephart isn't quite there, while Dykstra... well, you know.)

Dr. Gonyo's print ad includes a toll-free number (1-866-339-0390) and an e-mail address (gonyoforsenate [at] yahoo.com), so those of you with questions can finally talk to the candidate directly. You can maybe ask him about his 2007 federal taxes, which he says in his print ad were $82,000 last year.


  1. Looks to be pretty myopic to me. Nothing on health care, education, the economy, the war, but heaven help the illegals.

    I do like his very first point though
    - Read each bill completely before voting.

    Is that a problem in Washington right now?

  2. Where Abortion is concerned, "Education, not Legislation" is proving to be successful in curbing abortion. We need to continue on that path and intesify the education process rather than tell people what they can and can't do, by law.

  3. I'm not convinced Gonyo has a "sense of the proper role of government". Does this alarm anyone else?

    "Perhaps federally funded programs could be formulated to encourage young potential parents to put a priority on children again as in past generations of Americans . . . By public relations and federal assistance in family financial management, maybe some desirably qualified young people could be encouraged to put family first."

    Encourage "desirably qualified young people" to procreate? Sounds like we have a candidate proposing federally funded eugenics.

  4. You're right -- that line is cryptic and creepy. Maybe we'll get some debates where Gonyo can clarify that!


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