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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fight Inflation: Brown Bag It... and Play Wii?

Lunch time! Are you reading this in the office over bologna and cheese and an apple from home? if so, you're not alone: lots of workers are stretching their dollars by giving up dining out for lunch and brown-bagging it instead.

DeLon and Bernie might get a little nervous, but the Wall Street Journal talks less about the DQ Macho Meal or Rick's noontime mashed potato special in Mobridge and more about the fancy $10-$20 gourmet salads and sandwiches our big-city friends like to indulge in. One New York City eatery that "caters to brokers and banker-types" reports a 15%-20% drop in lunch traffic compared to last year. At the same time, eBags.com reports a 39% June increase in lunch bag and cooler sales [see Dana Mattioli, "Bagging Lunch: The Inflation Effect," Wall Street Journal, 2008.07.16]. Of course, if you're stuffing your lunch pail with expensive processed foods (Oscar Mayer Lunchables, Doritos Snack Packs with the 2:1 air-to-chip ratio, Red Bull, etc.), you might do just as well getting the lunch special at at DQ, Rick's, or your other favorite Main Street chowhouse.

Another unexpected beneficiary of increasing frugality: the Wii. I'm no fan of home video games (mostly because if I had one, I know I'd play it 24-7 and get no blogging done), but yesterday's Marketplace Morning Report finds that the electronic gaming industry may be a bright spot for investors and for families:

Jean-Luc Renault: Inside a two-story condo in suburban Los Angeles, Eileen Dorn takes on her three kids in a game of Mario Kart on the family's new Nintendo Wii.

Video games used to frustrate her, but she's been playing a lot lately.

Not long ago, the family of five would hop into the car and head to a water park without thinking twice, but recently they've cut back. Eileen says she'd rather put money in the kids' education fund than the local gas station.

Eileen Dorn: It's costing me twice as much to fill my gas tank, so every time I do it, I get an internal shudder and then I go, "I guess we're not going to do whatever it was we were thinking about doing for the week.

Instead, they've been taking more walks, dealing more hands of Go Fish and playing a whole lot more Super Smash Brothers on the Wii console they bought six months ago.

Dorn: I think it's paid off in spades because where else can you get a game where a 5-year-old, a 14-year old, an 18-year-old and a couple of parents can play?

The Dorn-Wallensteins apparently aren't alone. Retail industry researcher NPD Group reports Nintendo sold twice as many Wiis last May than it did in May 2007. And this year, overall video game sales are expected to reach a record $21 billion [Jean-Luc Renault, "The Arcade Is in Your Living Room," Marketplace Morning Report, 2008.07.16].

Americans eating fewer fancy meals, making their own lunches, driving less, and playing video games with their kids. It's not perfect, but maybe an economic downturn will do us some good after all. (Hey, I'm just trying to be an optimist!)


And now some numbers to go with your lunch:

So much for the stimulus package: with stimulus checks in hand, Americans boosted retail sales by a less than impressive 0.1 percent in June. No wonder: we were all busy just keeping up with inflation. Wholesale inflation was 1.8% in June. Of course, excluding energy and food prices, wholesale inflation was up only 0.2%, less than expected. Gee, don't you wish you could exclude energy and food prices?

Worse may be coming: if I understand the report correctly, the producer price index has shown a 9.2 increase over the past twelve months. (Be a real econ wonk: read the BLS report.) Last time the PPI was higher: June 1981, an ugly economic time. Expect those producer price increases to roll into your favorite stores any day now.


  1. They are hitting us two fold. Raising prices on food on one hand and then shrinking the size of the packages. Then there are those companies that are doing both. I have been paying very close attention the shrinking size of packages. It has become then new standard across the board from bacon to the size of ice cream containers.

    Stagflation is the word of this day and age. I would get it on a personlized licensce plate but I don't feel like waiting around for 2-3 hours in line if in fact you can even get different license plates in South Dakota anymore. I am just glad I don't work in any of the county treasury offices.

    As for the Wii they are very addictive at first and best when played with others. Suprisingly the best games for the Wii actually come with the system when you buy it. Four person tennis or a little four person bowling since Madisons bowling alley is now closed during the summer or a little head to head boxing (good cardio workout by the time you are done) It is a gaming system that a 90 year old or a two year old can play and enjoy together.

    Yeah i have never understood why they sugar coat the wholesale inflation so much by not including energy and food prices. My guess is that until that last 7 years of he who shall not be named has been our leader those two items changed very little since 1981. Then again I am economically clueless so what would I know.

  2. If more people would play video games instead of engaging in physical activity, they'd need fewer calories.

    So maybe those smaller food packages are not such a bad thing after all. ;->

    More seriously, smaller packages are not a new way to soften the hard reality of inflation. I remember the chronic inflation during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

    Another tactic back then was to have a "sale" and then raise the price on the sale item rather than cutting it, hoping people would not notice. Might want to watch for this too.

    Yet another tactic is to water down certain food items, add fillers, reduce the weight without reducing the volume of the package, and so on ad infinitum. If you can imagine it, someone will do it.

  3. "So much for the stimulus package: with stimulus checks in hand, Americans boosted retail sales by a less than impressive 0.1 percent in June. No wonder: we were all busy just keeping up with inflation. Wholesale inflation was 1.8% in June."

    That is funny and very true!

  4. Clueless said, "My guess is that until that last 7 years of he who shall not be named has been our leader those two items changed very little since 1981." Can't argue that inflation is worse now, but it can for the most part be blamed on rising gas prices, and guess what, if another
    "he who shall not be named" (Clinton) had not vetoed drilling in ANWR back when, we might not be having such high gas prices right now as we would be producing more of our own energy supply.

    There's enough blame here to go around. It's not all the fault of Bush. Bush will be out of office in a few months, and if the sainted Obama assumes the throne, get ready for even less change in our pockets! But I don't imagine he will be blamed for that as it will be just called income redistribution and be hailed as fair for all. In other words, from them that have to them that have not. And in his opinion, them that have don't deserve what they have, and them that don't have deserve what the others have!



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