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Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Pro-Choice SD Website Impervious to Prayer?

Kelsey at DakotaWomen draws my attention to the irony of the morning: as Burnnie the Bunny (that's the only name on the website) calls on readers to pray for God to "send confusion in the camps of the enemy," NARAL Pro-Choice SD launches a new website that appears to work just fine. Maybe those prayers ricocheted and landed on someone else's new computer system.

Now just like Jim Dobson, I'm not a theologian. But isn't asking the Lord to put the whammy on people you don't like a little unChristian? Maybe the Vote Yes for Life folks would make more progress if they shed their macho bull rhetoric of warfare and enemies and focused a little more on love and community.


  1. It's war because blood is being shed, innocent blood. Love stops the killing. Jesus had strong words for those who hindered children from "reaching their full potential in life" (that's a quote from Sen. Johnson's welcome back speech.) God has an issue with those who don't speak up for those without voice, the helpless. Our verbiage is fully Christian, theologically sound and consistent with Scripture. The Bible is not silent on any of this and uses verbiage far stronger than we are using to date to speak of those who shed or tolerate the shedding of innocent blood.

  2. Good for you steve hickey now why don't you go out and help every homeless person and impovrished child with such vigor. when there are no homeless and no children going to bed hungry at night then maybe I will listen to you expert theologians. I would also love to know your stance on Capital Punishment Mr. Hickey?

  3. We help the poor - food, shelter, here and around the world - sending thousands and thousands of dollars and people. I don't vacation, I save money to visit impoverished nations. We have a special concern for orphans. We are happy to adopt. I give free daycare to single moms here in Sioux Falls. What are you doing? It's not either/or - we are fighting for the unborn while trying to be a blessing to the poor/needy.

    What does capital punishment have to do with this - do you not see the monumental difference between the the shedding of judicially guilty blood and the shedding of judicially innocent blood?

  4. CAH:

    Using god's name to put the whammy down on their enemies is unChristian?

    History begs to differ. Christianity, like any other form of religion, is twisted to the desires of the "leaders". If you can't interact/measure/test something, it's impossible to be prove any point of view wrong. Get a few people saying the "leader" is right and watch everyone else fall into line.

    May Zeus's lighting protect you.


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