
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Shelterfest! Saturday! Madison!

Oh yeah, did I mention...

Ten hours, five bands, $5, money goes to Habitat for Humanity—that's Shelterfest!

Pile your friends in the car and come to Madison (Hope Studios, 211 SE 4th St.), noon to ten p.m., tomorrow today!!!


  1. A music festival smack dab in the middle of a residential neighborhood. I'm sure the people that live around there are really going to enjoy this.

  2. Actually, my wife Erin already walked the nieghborhood, chatted with the neighbors, and got nothing but friendly responses. They're looking forward to the festival... and we're looking forward to seeing you there!

  3. I'm working one block south and looking forward to music all day long. I invited a couple people to stop during a break and walk over. They wondered if food is available?

  4. Hi johnsd,

    Sounds great! Yes, we have a couple local youth groups lined up to run concessions during the meal times, noon-2:00 and 3:30ish-8:00.

  5. Might need an umbrella, though... latest forecast predicts a 40-percent chance of rain Saturday afternoon.

    Any backup plans in case we get rained out?

  6. Definitely bring umbrellas! If it's too much rain, we'll move indoors to the gym inside Hope Studios.

  7. "too much rain"? Would that be abundant, torrential, network-cameras-can't-see-the-stage rain? ;-)

    (And hey, jackrabit1 -- Weather Underground says 30%! With SW breezes, I say 20%, and it will be light spitty stuff... though I'll still have my rain hat. :-) )


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