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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cousins, Not Friends™: Heidelberger Feud!

Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep. I got unfriended by my cousin Aaron (yeah, the one who wants to use old European economics to trigger a global depression) because of this Facebook exchange.

Aaron Heidelberger

Aaron Heidelberger We pay 700 Billion in interest every year (to china, japan and big banks) How much would it cost to save NASA? about 3 Billion per year. Hmmmm......just think what our country could do if they could save 700 billion a year in interest payments.

Cory Allen Heidelberger
Cory Allen Heidelberger
Wait -- you actually want us to do something a a country? NASA's just more socialism, isn't it?

Aaron Heidelberger
Aaron Heidelberger
Cory, My wife Comments on your blog on Kelo Land and you did not allow it? Sibby is banned from commenting on your blog. Why should I allow you to post your crap on my page?

Shamra Johnson
Shamra Johnson
Cory, your not welcome here. Don't you have better things to do like teaching your zombies how to properly march in missile parades.

Cory Allen Heidelberger
Cory Allen Heidelberger
Aaron, I don't spend hours managing the KELO comments. I sifted through the spam this weekend, approved the handful of actual comments. And the Madville Times is always open.

Shamra -- free country, right? And i'm not fond of missiles. I'm amazed at the absurd metaphors with which you color your imaginary world.

Cory Allen Heidelberger
Cory Allen Heidelberger
Oh, and I forgot: as usual, you forgot to answer the actual question. Instead, you go for the usual personal attacks and silly metaphors. That's why the 9-12 project and Tea Party will fail. It's why you did fail on health care. You are all slogan and insult and no real practical policy answers. Ouch!

Missile parades? I'm confused. Aaron's the one who brought up NASA. Sniffle.


  1. You guys are like the Hitchens brothers.

  2. Yet another heartwarming tale of proper conservative family values.

  3. Sheesh! Can't you settle your family dispute like other families? At Christmas time with lots of Bud Light and Boxing Gloves??

  4. This is hilarious. Thanks for sharing it, Cory. I think there a lot of SD families like that.


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