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Monday, March 15, 2010

Mochavino Opens Soon; My Wife Gets Scoop on Local Biz

Guess who's got the scoop on Madison's newest business? It's not the paid media—it's my lovely wife, Erin Heidelberger. She uses that Internet-thingy to interview Mochavino owner Jenny Bader online. Their conversation, plus some really cool links on third places and small-town economic development, appears on Erin's blog, Prairie Roots.

Erin gives us our first verbal look at what Mochavino will bring: new sandwich menu, breakfast sandwiches, coffee, wine, maybe even some of Shaun Bader's homebrew beer. Add live music, maybe organize Madison's first downtown poetry slam... I just might be spending more time downtown.

Jenny says they hope to open "just after the middle of March." Hey—middle of March is tomorrow at noon! Finish painting and open those doors, Jenny and Shaun!


  1. your wife sounds like she is more fun than you :)

    Lee S

  2. Lee, you're right: better conversationalist, much less likely to argue, easier on the eyes... plus, she's not a teetotaler like me!


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