Patricia Stricherz is saying she's running again for one of the District 8 seats in the South Dakota House of Representatives. Unfortunately, she's touting her candidacy on the local Glenn Beck club website. Stricherz joined the 9-12 Project last month.
If Stricherz's campaign will be based on the idea that "Glenn Beck rocks!" then we're all in for a rough ride. I thought conservatives had issues with folks getting their politics from celebrities.
I'd like to think she'll run better than last time. She's been boosting her profile with some useful projects like running the Operation Homefront South Dakota chapter and managing the "Stop South Dakota Iran Investments" Facebook group. If she wants to get back to issues like energy and the environment, then great! Let's have that discussion.
But if Stricherz wants to be the Glenn Beck candidate and builds her campaign around full-reserve banking, socialism, ACORN, and Pimp Momma (don't ask me; I'm just reading the agenda for the club's last meeting), then my Chamber of Commerce friends might want to find a couple Republicans to challenge her in the primary.
It’s time to fix the Denty!
So I heard last year these bids were coming up, can’t wait to see the
price-tags on this. Of course, if the repairs are reasonable they will come
out of th...
1 day ago
Sick Freaks shall eat the pie and it shall be good. The republican beasts shall gnash and wail.
I like Pie cause Deomcrats and Republicans eat cake... stupid cake-eaters!
ReplyDeleteYes, their cake is an old and twinkie like substance. Those eating it from the left end believe it the solution to oil dependence. Those eating it from the right end call it manna and develop manna backed securities.
ReplyDeleteI like pie. Their cake is worthless and tastes of plastic.
Dear Cory,
ReplyDeleteSometimes you really disgust me! When is this childish mocking, intellectual dishonesty and political sophistry going to end? You use Saul Alynski-style tactics (tie an issue to a man and destroy the man... or simply make the enemy ridiculous) to advance your Marxist platform... then ridicule us for liking Glenn Beck. I'll take Beck over Alynski or Marx any day!
In this specific instance, you are tying a candidate to the group... and trying to destroy the group. You are becoming quite predictable...
You continually try to paint us as an anti-government group. Nothing could be further from the truth! We believe in the LIMITED-GOVERNMENT that our founding fathers designed for us. That is a huge difference!
This may be hard for you to believe, but Glenn Beck's name has only came up in our meetings a few times in the last year. Our group was simply started by a Glenn Beck challenge to educate ourselves and to try to live by the following 9 principles and 12 values:
9 Principles-
1. America is good, not perfect, but good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have and will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
12 Values-
Honesty~ Reverence~ Hope~ Thrift~ Humility~ Charity~ Sincerity~ Moderation~ Hard Work~ Courage~ Personal Responsibility~ Gratitude
These principles and values are actually a distillation of the 28 founding principles found in the book, "The 5000 Year Leap", by Cleon Skousen. (It is a great book! You should read it sometime! Being the secular humanist hatemonger that you are, you will likely point out that Skousen was a Mormon. Quite frankly, I don't care! ;-p)
I issue a challenge to you right now! Name the principles and values that you do not agree with and state why! (I already know you don't believe in #2... I am curious to see which others. Curiosity... does it drive you crazy living in a state that has the motto, "Under God the People Rule"?)
(To be continued in next post... Bjork)
(Continued from previous post...)
ReplyDeleteI fully admit we are a dangerous* and radical* group! (I simply put asterisks in that sentence to keep you from cherry-picking it and using it out of context... I have caught on to your modus operandi! ;-p) We are doing something quite dangerous* to over-reaching governments... we are educating ourselves. (People educating themselves is something that someone who claims to be an educator should admire!) We are studying radical* ideas and notions! We are studying our nation's founding documents. We are reading books by (or about): Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Madison, Smith, Henry, Lincoln, Dewey, Marx, Alynski, Rand, Skousen, Basiat, Hayek, Cicero, Plato, Machiavelli, Payne, etc... We are studying different systems (economic, political, religious, social) to understand which ones work, which ones don't, and why. Let me tell you... that is some dangerous* and radical* stuff!
You and I have personally had the discussion about full-reserve banking practices. If you remember correctly, I said that I do not believe that full-reserve banking is the way to go. I do, however, believe that the fractional reserve rate should be raised. (10% is far too low!) The demonstration at the meeting simply showed the group how money is created out of thin air by fractional reserve banking practices. (Should people not understand how the system we have works?)
Had you not simply mocked the "Pimp Momma" title in our Current Events portion of the meeting, and actually knew what it was about, you would have known that that was an opening to a discussion on moral decline in our country. The title references a mother in Colorado who was pimping out her 12 year old daughter and her daughter's friend for drugs and money. (By the way, her daughter is now pregnant and in state custody.) I really want to say something about judging, books and covers... but I hate cliches. I digress. (Yes... I know "I digress." has become cliche. That is why I used it... as a joke!)
I am truly beginning to believe that your incessant hatred for our group stems from our rejection of your Marxist, Progressive, atheistic worldview. I am truly sorry... but, we do not believe that the purpose of our life is to serve government.
I know you are full of great Progressive ideas! If you have ideas to fix problems... that don't involve taking from one group, to give to another... I would love to hear them!
Your Bestest Buddy,
Jason L. Bjorklund
I still can not get over the absolute dishonesty of the title! That is a flat out lie!!! She has NEVER been to one of our 9.12 Project meetings!!! How could she even know what the "platform" is??? Have you absolutely no integrity? How do you expect to ever be taken seriously?
ReplyDeleteYour Bestest Buddy,
Jason L. Bjorklund
Jason, I do not lie, and you'll do well to retract the slander of calling me a liar.
ReplyDeleteYour group website says Stricherz has been a member of your club since February 15, 2010. Can I not trust the information your own group posts online?
Stop building straw men: In labeling Glenn Beck a celebrity, I have not suggested placing the idols of Marx or Alinsky in his place. I also don't mention anything about your group's wacky anti-government agenda in this post. You keep hearing the arguments Glenn Beck prefers you hear to fit his talking points, rather than the arguments others are actually making.
Your "challenge": Principles 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9; Values: all but #2. The exceptions aren't necessarily wrong, but they require some careful analysis.
"tying a candidate to the group... and trying to destroy the group" -- so you are declaring Stricherz a bad candidate who would harm your group? You are declaring your group is not open to Stricherz's membership?
"Pimp Momma": you put it on the cover of the book and provided no context for interested readers considering attending. What was any reader to make of it? And indeed, what did I make of it? I made clear I had no idea what it meant. As always, I am consistent and honest in my reading of the text you provide. Now given context, I can still say the discussion was likely irrelevant to getting anything done. It was just another example of using one sensational headline to gin up people's emotions and keep them convinced that there's some awful evil out there to be fought rather than neighbors to be helped. There is no proof of moral decline: you could go back through every generation and find depraved individuals to scare people with. We just have faster and farther-reaching media with guys like Glenn Beck to scream and holler about how we're in moral decline... and thus use fear to keep people watching the ads between outbursts.
Cory! Cory! Cory! For the love of mike! I try to live by the following 9 principles and 12 values:
ReplyDelete9 Principles-
1. America is good, not perfect, but good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have and will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
12 Values-
Honesty~ Reverence~ Hope~ Thrift~ Humility~ Charity~ Sincerity~ Moderation~ Hard Work~ Courage~ Personal Responsibility~ Gratitude
If this is the worst you can find about me, then I must be doing alright!
Patricia (I assume that's you anoning this morning), I listed above the principles I have no problem with. I'm waiting to hear any of the Glenn Beck posturing turn into practical plans for governing at the state level... or even some pious proof that any of those values would distinguish one candidate from any other in the race.
ReplyDelete(By the way, Principle #4 conflicts with Principles #2 and #5.)
Cory said, ""tying a candidate to the group... and trying to destroy the group" -- so you are declaring Stricherz a bad candidate who would harm your group? You are declaring your group is not open to Stricherz's membership?"
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure we share English as a common language. Where did you get any of those notions out of what I said? I had mentioned the Alynski-style principle of, "tie an issue [A] to a man [B] and destroy the man [B]". It can just as easily be said, "tie a candidate [A] to a group [B] and destroy the group [B]". The act of destroying [B] attempts, in a calculated manner, to destroy [A] by mere association.
You are tying Stricherz [A] to the image of our group [B] (that you have been conveniently smearing for the last 7 months) in order to destroy her [A] by mere association. I can draw you a diagram if you'd like.
As for the rest of your comment above, as long as she agrees with the groups' principles and values... she is welcome to be a member. I never said, nor implied what kind of candidate Mrs. Stricherz would be. I have not yet met her. I have not been made privy to any platform she has, as of yet. (Unlike you apparently...) I am not going to make any assumptions at this point. I do know that she did join our group. Hopefully, that means she shares our principles and values. Without knowing anything else at this point, if she ends up being 1 of 2 candidates opposing Fargen and Lange... I will vote for her. A rubber chicken would represent my views in Pierre as well as Fargen and Lange have. (That was a commentary about our current representatives, not a disparaging remark about Mrs. Stricherz.)
As far as the straw men contention... please! "Kettle this is Pot. Kettle this is Pot. Do you have a copy Kettle? Over."
"Pot this is Kettle. I have you five by five. Do you have traffic for this unit? Over."
"Roger that. You are black. I repeat. You are black. Out." (I should have just used the cliche about the pot calling the kettle black... but this was more amusing. I digress. ;-p)
As a secular humanist, I would expect no other response out of you regarding moral decline. Since the religion of secular humanism has been taught in our schools, we have seen a constant uptick in truancy, teen pregnancy, divorce, violent crime... pick a bad thing... I'd bet it is up! (Far higher than what would be allowed for by population growth.)
As for what I said about your title. I stand by it. Sue me.
Your Bestest Buddy,
Jason L. Bjorklund
Jason, you're not making sense. The "Alinsky" style you allege is yours: you continue to tie my comments with no basis whatsoever to Marx, ALinsky, and whatever other convenient names you want to turn into straw man/ad hominem distractions.
ReplyDeleteWhen I associate Stricherz with your group (an association you attempt to deny, which suggests you don't want her sullying your group's rep? you really need to clarify), I am suggesting there is a negative impression to be drawn. Your group rants about side issues and has no practical plan for governing, let alone campaigning. I'd say the same thing about a candidate associated with any other group espousing bad politics.
And the title is wholly accurate: She says she loves Glenn Beck. If she is consistent, her platform will be a Glenn Beck platform. You can apologize for calling me a liar any time.
To clarify, Jason: I have no association with Alinsky. Stricherz really is associated with your group.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you tell me what the "Glenn Beck Platform" is? As far as I know, he has never presented one. He has espoused principles and values. Those things are nowhere near a platform! You know that as well as I do!
To further illustrate a point, let it be known that I absolutely love Thomas Paine! If I were in a Thomas Payne book club, and ran for office... would that automatically make my platform a "Thomas Payne Platform"? I think not!
Thomas Paine! Thomas Payne! He supports Thomas Payne! It just doesn't seem to create the same pain in the Progressives's ear as the name... GLENN BECK!!! Awwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaah!
At our last meeting we were still discussing what our platform will be. We are still hashing out the details. Believe it or not, it takes a little while before a grassroots group, that came together on ideology, becomes an organized political action group. It would probably go faster if those darned Republicans would step in and give us an organizational structure and some money. I am still waiting for the checks from the GOP! I am still waiting for my calls and e-mails to be returned from the Democrats!
If you've never read Alinsky or Marx you should. Judging by the tactics you use in your blog, you could have written, "Rules for Radicals"! I just figured you were a disciple... hmmmpf. My bad!
I have people joining my site from all over the U.S. to shill their latest product or idea. I usually delete them immediately. (Except for my newest member "Glenn", he goes by a different name on other 9.12 sites. I am still trying to figure out who he is and what his angle is...) Anybody could just sign up on the site! If I didn't know you... you could too! ;-p When Patricia joined my group, I considered removing her immediately. (Believe it or not, I don't trust either party.) However, she was open about who she was and what she was running for. (Had she tried to sneakily infiltrate and I found out... she would have been gone in a heartbeat.) I figured I would let it slide until I had the opportunity to meet her and talk with her. Unfortunately, your little smear attempt did not afford me that luxury. I know just as much about her platform as you do... absolutely nothing! (By the way, I'm waiting for the apology on the masked threat and the retraction demand. Even if I don't get it, I may still forgive you. If you have remorse in your heart... God will likely forgive you too! ;-p)
To address an earlier point of yours that I had missed. I re-read your post and you were correct! You didn't use the term anti-government once! You usually sprinkle that in every blog entry that references us! I guess my response has become quite reflexive! I guess when you beat a young child endlessly and mercilessly, when a hand is raised, the child tends to instinctively,defensively recoil.
Your Bestest Buddy,
Jason L. Bjorklund
Glenn Beck doesn't understand inflation (but most people dont)
ReplyDeleteCAH doesn't understand the principles (but makes a good point: it doesn't help discriminating good candidates)
Rhubarb cake is nearly as good as pie. See, I can compromise
Just to clarify...I, Patricia Stricherz, have not to date attended any 9-12 meetings. Not saying that I wouldn't, just saying I haven't thus far.
ReplyDeleteQuestion??? Why would this even be news worthy if I had? Why is it worth wasting time and energy arguing about? There's bigger, more important issues to write about then this.
Cory, I must admitt, I am extremely disappointed in you over this whole post. Especially since you know me fairly well from our various conversations during my last run for the house, and yet you still want to talk about me like I'm a bimbo.
Does the word "retraction" mean anything to you because at this time it would behoove you to proceed by writing one.
As for Principle's #2, #4 & #5, there simply is not any contradiction what so ever. Let me explain.
Principle #2
I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
Explaination: I believe in a Higher Omnipotent Being and I place Him and his word in the center of my values,morales, principles of my individual life.
Principle #4
The Family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
My family is precious to me, I and my spouse will make the decisions that we feel best suits our family and our needs. No one has any right to involve themselves into our family as long as we are living a quiet, peaceful, morale life style.
Principal #5
If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
LAW noun legal code,rules and regulations. principle. doctrine. decree.
There is morale law, natural law, legislative law and religous law. All in which we are designed to follow to be peacekeepers. Break any of these laws and you are made to be accountable before your peers, a court of law and God.
So, as you can see they do not contradict but form together in perfect unification complimenting each other to make a system that works for most people.
Now..shall I explain to you slander and respect? Because what you have said about me is bordering slander, oh let me guess, you place it under "Freedom of Speech." Decorate it any way you want with pom-poms and daisies, but it's still slander. Our "Freedom of Speech" is scared and comes with responsibliity. It brings with it respect, which should at all times be shown to our fellow man.
Confused on this? Please see Principles #2, #4 #5 as discussed previously. Still don't get it, call me and I'll share with you scripture (God's word) that may enlighten you.
Sorry, Ms. Stricherz, you do not get to run for office and then claim that your public statements are not newsworthy. You want to get your hands on the power of government. You warrant public scrutiny, like every other candidate.
ReplyDeletePlus, it is newsworthy that you, a Republican, evidently take your political cues from a celebrity loudmouth. If the majority want a Glenn Beck fan in office, they can vote that way. I consider the statement "Glenn Beck rocks!" a sign of a politician lacking the judgment and perspective I want running the government.
On contradicting principles: #2 means God is the ultimate authority. #4 means your family is the ultimate authority. #5 means the law is the ultimate authority. Something's got to give.
Contradictions: that's what you get when you drink philosophy from crackpot celebrities like Glenn Beck, who's more interested in slapping together pious focus-grouped slogans than conducting boring but necessary practical policy discussions. And that's the bad thinking I don't want in office making laws my family will have to obey.
So what's there to retract?
And Jason, you want the GOP to give you money? Oh my....
ReplyDeleteWhy did you remove my comments that I posted earlier?
ReplyDeleteQuote, "you do not get to run for office and then claim that your public statements are not newsworthy. You want to get your hands on the power of government. You warrant public scrutiny, like every other candidate" either this is accurate or it's not, but there will not be double standards here.
Cory said, "And Jason, you want the GOP to give you money? Oh my...."
ReplyDeleteCrap! I forgot who I was talking to... Mr. Out-of-Context Cherry-Picker! ;-p Any reasonable person would know that the paragraph you took that from was steeped in sarcasm. Crap! Again, I forgot who I was talking to! ;-p
On a more serious note, I'd like to discuss disclosure for a moment. Other than heavily-biased, overwhelming, glowing praise and coverage for Representatives Fargen and Lange in a blog touted as public, community-oriented, alternative media source... and the consequent, constant vilification of Republican/conservative politicians and candidates... have you donated any other perks, such as time or money, to the Fargen or Lange campaigns?
Jason L. Bjorklund
Those principles are not in conflict.
ReplyDelete#2. When the 9-12 project was initiated this was actually explained as more broadly encompassing than Ms Stricherz indicated. It included a belief in something greater than self. An atheist can accept #2 so long as there is a purpose that represents a larger meaning in life that they are centered upon.
#4. The right of the Family as the ultimate authority extends to the raising of children only. The only way this could conflict with #2 would be if the god/purpose held in life was to undermine the authority of other families. To some religion can mean exactly this, but those warped souls would simply be unable to subscribe to both principles. I think most people can.
#5 does NOT mean the law is the ultimate authority. Nor does it really mean accountability (that's more of a Value). It means the law APPLIES to all people equally. The law is not a respecter of people. Whether you are a rich, influential politician or a pitiful tortured soul who never had a break in childhood, it applies the same.
You compare the three principles in terms of prioritizing authority, which is why I said you don't understand them:
#2 Higher Purpose
#4 Family Integrity
#5 Judicial Non-Favoritism
Roger, I may be able to live with your expanded exigesis, although your line on #2 is shaky. When I hear folks around here use the word God with big G, I expect they mean the Christian God. If #2 expresses some sloppy pantheism, I might be just as uncomfortable with it... or I might just dismiss it as meaningless.
ReplyDelete[Patricia -- what earlier comments? The comments I deleted had no name on them.]
Jason: I haven't donated cash to Gerry or Mitch. I did knock on doors and distribute campaign lit for them and Scott P. during the 2008 election. I even helped manage Scott's website. I'll probably do things like that again this year for the candidates I believe in.
Now, Jason, since you're publishing Internet content too, would you like to list all of your political activities? :-)
You and Patricia both need to learn that words mean something. You write them, you publish them, and people generally assume you mean something. "Glenn Beck rocks!" "waiting for the checks from the GOP" -- I thought you were both saying meaningful things. So what else are you just kidding about? Is your adherence to the Nine Principles Twelve Values just a joke as well?