
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin, Silver-Tongued Devil

That thunking sound you hear is another campaign slogan falling off the McCain table, thanks to his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate. Turns out making great speeches is a qualification for the Presidency:

For all the focus on Pawlenty, Romney and Lieberman, Palin was the leading candidate by the beginning of last week. Davis had spoken with her a number of times. The McCain camp had reviewed everything it could find on her, including videotapes of her public speeches and interviews. "She makes a great speech," one adviser observed [emphasis mine; reporting by Dan Balz & Robert Barnes, "Palin Made an Impression from the Start," Washington Post, 2008.08.31, p. A01.].

Good to know that we'll hear no more campaign ads (or blog comments) from the McCain's supporters about youth, lack of public service, lack of foreign policy experience, or the dangers or excellent public-speaking skills.


  1. According to news folks who spoke with many key members of the Alaska republican party there is no evidence that Palin was vetted. Vetting, like qualifying for a security clearance, is intense and intrusive. Vetters not only talk to people who know the vettee, they also talk to people who know people who know the candidate. None of that occurred. McCain failed this judgment test through his rash and impulsive nature.

  2. Anon 1:55,
    Obama has been called a "silver-tongued devil" by his critics. Cory is only pointing out the hypocrisy of those critics who now laud Palin's speech-making skills.

  3. Your Sarah Palin posts have a distinct air of desperation and panic in them. They are much ado about nothing. Palin stands tall. I know we need to go through a period where the dems seek to undermine McCains pick but Cory, what's coming forth so far from you with such vengeance is turning out to be desperate panicky "nice trys" which leave us to think... if that's all they have on her, McCain did do his homework. Really he can't win, was he bowing to Hillary's supporters or to the social conservatives??


    This radio interview is nothing of the juicy sort you hope it to be - but I'm glad you posted it because it gave me a chance to read the Kipling "Female of the Species" poem mentioned by one of the others leaving comments in the previous post. I love it, printed it out for the two feminists in my household.

    Didn't hear ANY misogyny from the Gov. in that clip. Her chuckle sounds like disbelief to me that the guy said it publicly- but let's say SHE said publicly the gal was a b-tch. I say you go girl - take on the world!

    It was NOT the sort of giggle followed with a verbal "that's understandable" that we distinctly heard from the Planned Parenthood gals on the phone talking to donors wanting to give money to thin out the black race some more.


    PS- You'd have really blown a gasket if I would have used the word devil to talk about Barry or Hillary. I ignore people in my world who slap the antichrist label on folks. I was surprised to see you use the term.

  4. A back ground investigation for a security clearance has clear and legal requirements before it can be accomplished. A vetting for political office is completed when he or she doing the vetting is satisfied that the vettee has nothing to hide.

    Don't like to say this anon 1:25PM, because I try not to be rude in public, but even though I have no idea who you are and even as I am an Obama supporter, based on who Mr. McCain is I'll take his "rash and implusive" judgement over yours any day.

    Joseph G. Thompson

  5. "but let's say SHE said publicly the gal was a b-tch. I say you go girl - take on the world!"

    Did I read that right, Steve? Did you actually say that you think it's acceptable for Palin to publicly call another woman a b**ch? I'm going to try to wrap my mind around that one.

    As to the "devil" thing: read my comment above. Cory's not calling anyone antichrist here.

  6. I'm supposed to be writing a history of Sept 1908, but Steve Hickey got another for you. Used to explain to young female officers and NCO's that there was a difference between a witch, a b---h and a B---H. B---H means "Boys I'm Taking Charge Here" and I do believe Mrs Palin may be the first B---H on the American political scene. Time will tell.

    Joseph G Thompson

  7. steve calling women the b word...what's next the c you have a progressive church....god bless

  8. "distinct air of desperation"? This from a pastor who has been blogging, commenting, and podcasting on a single issue almost non-stop for several months.

    As usual, hear what you want, Pastor Hickey.

  9. Vetting? McCain's people say she got the same vetting as everyone else. Some sources say otherwise. Hmm....

  10. RE: Cory@7:31. Thanks for the comment and providing the link showing that the first person to vette her hometown newspaper is a demo opposition researcher. Key players in Troopergate, past and current agency folks, were not vetted, . Palin said she wasn't vetted, . McHugh Pierre, spokesman for the state's republican party said Saturday that McCain's people were sending folks to Alaska to investigate Troopergate, . McCain spokesman says she has a "wall of ignorance" about a McCain-Palin relationship - that does not exactly sound like someone who was vetted, .

  11. The vetting party arrived in Wasilla on 8/31/08, . (Also read the comments.)

  12. This link implies McCain used a one person vetting "party" and spent only a few hours on it. Quoting Gomer Plye, the result is "Surprise!, Surprise! Surprise!" as McCain's impulsive recklessnes leads to discovery learning. Since Saturday and Sunday his campaign's had operatives in Wasilla and Alaska trying to close the barn door. .

  13. If Palin was completely vetted, I have a bridge in Alaska you might want to buy . . .

  14. I read her 17 year old unmarried daughter is pregnant, keeping the child but getting married. What does a person do with that information? Did McCain know about that?


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