
Saturday, August 30, 2008

South Dakota Republicans Divided on Palin

For more on the Palin nomination, see the debate at South Dakota Politics, a conservative granddaddy of the South Dakota blogosphere. SDP's Dr. Schaff appears to think McCain may have just settled the election—in Obama's favor—by picking Palin. His SDP colleague Mr. Heppler finds Palin a brilliant choice who brings real executive experience to the ticket. Both are worthwhile reads.


  1. Red alert.

    If McCain and Palin want to steal the hearts of the American people, they should call off the convention in the Twin Cities and take the whole affair on the road south, helping out in the wake of what shows every indication of becoming one of the costliest natural catastrophes in the history of the United States.

    Forget about the stadiums, the bands, the glitz. Get down there in the mud and show the American people what Republican leaders are made of.

  2. Good point, but I bet the Senators and Representives of LA and Tx aren't even down there. They are staying nice and dry in DC.


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