
Thursday, September 4, 2008

God Bless Community Organizers...

Republicans have changed their boogeyman from welfare queens to community organizers. I'm not sure alienting an army of civic-minded citizens who know how to organize things like get-out-the-vote drives is the wisest strategy. Expect the Obama camp to tear into that one.

The perfect response comes from a commenter quoted here and here:

...maybe someone needs to remind Sarah Palin
that Jesus Christ was a community organizer
and Pontius Pilate was a governor.

Update 15:25 CDT: Organizers Fight Back. Uh oh, Sarah (and Rudy, and Gov. Pataki). You shouldn't have gone there...

Update 2008.09.05 07:27 CDT: Rudy used to think community organizers were leaders worth praising. Oh yeah, and how does the GOP feel now about renowned community organizer Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Update 2008.08.05 10:46 CDT: Who's been on the ground helping folks with lives turned topsy-turvy by Hurricane Gustav? Community organizers. Jim Wallis says community organizers deserve a big apology, and our thanks.


  1. does that make steve hickey a quiltor or a baker? I am so confussed.

  2. Jesus is the Messiah. You can't really compare Obama or any community leader to our Savior.

  3. Funny.

    Woefully ignorant actually. It humors me when the left stretches Jesus to fit their ideology.

    "Community organizer" isn't even remotely fitting title for Jesus when you read the Gospels. You need to find a church Cory that'll tell you the real story about Jesus. He was a force to contend with. The hurting loved him, the elite despised him.

    Jesus was more of a disturber of the peace - one who woke the dead and rebuked those in deception and darkness. He defied both the religious and political establishment of his day and died the death of a political enemy. Stoning would have been a "religious" retribution, the Cross was a political retribution.

    And he wasn't crucified for loving hurting people or for starting a new religion that people could exercise privately. The Sanhedrin wanted him dead because he threatened their power base. The sign above his head didn't read "community organizer" it read King of the Jews. He was a perceived as a political threat.

    I commend to you Francis Schaeffer"s claasic "How SHould We Then Live." You can read all about the real Jesus there.

    Read the book of Acts too. Jesus' followers disrupted the economic, political and social base of every city they went to because the culture was inextricably interwoven with idol worship and emperor worship. Wherever they went, they turned the world (cosmos - world system) upside down. The political rulers of the cities were deeply troubled by his followers.

  4. Jesus did lots of things. But his status as Messiah, Son of God, and carpenter does not erase the work he did organizing community action from his resume. Wow -- and the work his community group started has grown and lasted for 2000 years. Not bad.

  5. "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."

    -- Jesus Christ, from Luke 12:51

    Community organizer, eh?

  6. Jesus was more of a disturber of the peace - one who woke the dead and rebuked those in deception and darkness. He defied both the religious and political establishment of his day and died the death of a political enemy. Stoning would have been a "religious" retribution, the Cross was a political retribution.

    And he wasn't crucified for loving hurting people or for starting a new religion that people could exercise privately. The Sanhedrin wanted him dead because he threatened their power base.

    Sounds like a community organizer to me.

  7. Jesus did nothing for the government. He was being an example of loving one another. Where do you see him going around saying 'Can you do this for me, so we can feed some people.'
    Who writes your bible?

  8. The feeding of the 5,000 wasn't an act of community. It was a test of faith, because there was no reason for them to distribute so few fish and loaves to so many people.

  9. Anon 3:21, Steve H., Stan; Peace be with you.

    Benjamin Franklin was a community organizer; William Franklin was a governor.

    The Founding Fathers were community organizers; Thomas Hutchinson was a governor.

    Martin Luther King was a community organizer; George Wallace was a governor.

    The disciples were community organizers; Pontius Pilate was a governor.

    Feel better?

  10. so funny....I find it funny too when the right stretches Jesus to fit their ideology. I am sure Jesus said no abortions but capital punishment that is fine and dandy in my book. Someone who said turn the other cheek but damnt string em up if they murder no forgiveness.

    Also, I find it funny when Jamie Lynn Spears got knocked up it was bad parenting but when Bristol "the Pistol" Palin gets knocked up how courageous she is called for keeping the child and no one on the right would dare say it was do to bad parenting.....

    Steve Hickeys Favorite Fanatic

    as always steve thanks for making my day so much brighter. god bless you padre.

  11. You mean Obama isn't the 2nd coming?

    Jesus was a community organizer for christian values, not Marxist activism. Sarah P is completely correct in dismissing THAT as a quality we want in a future president.
    Dismissing community organization as a background sufficient to govern our country shouldn't be warped into demeaning the role itself any more than it should if Barak had been ...a high school english teacher. CAH isn't qualified to be president after all (in so many ways!!) But that doesn't demean teaching.

  12. Anon: 9/05/2008 9:49 PM

    Bad parenting is thinking Hollywood stardom for your teenage daughter is a good idea. Where exactly was the bad parenting decision made by Sarah?

  13. the fact that she doesn't believe in any kind of sexual education in schools and apparently Mom or Dad was too busy having more kids and being governor to teach her kid anything.

  14. she taught her daughter to accept the consequences of sex as well as the value of marriage. But if you think the value of a condom is higher, that's your right.


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