
Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain Getting Convention Bounce on KJAM

KJAM is polling on the presidential race. Looks like the Republican doublespeak is working here McCain leads Obama 2 to 1. Drop by KJAM's website and cast your vote!

Surprisingly, the Libertarian cabal working at KJAM didn't include Bob Barr on the poll. What gives? ;-)


  1. McCain will win SD. The popular vote doesn't really matter. It's the electoral college that counts.

    Does this mean that our vote doesn't matter unless you live in a swing state where the candidates spend all of their time?

  2. People are finally realizing the difference between the candidates, and the polls are showing this. Obama is in trouble!

  3. Namely because no one bothered to ask me about the poll question!

  4. Obama is sinking like the Titanic, while McCain was actually on the Titanic!


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