
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Online Poll War: Parsley Partisans Stave Off DWC Invaders

24 hours ago, District 8 faced its gravest threat: an invasion from District 7! Noting my Friday morning update on the KJAM online poll on the District 8 Senate race between my pal Scott Parsley and PP's pal Russ Olson, the dean of Dakota War College exhorted his followers to go to KJAM's website and pump up Russ's numbers.

To review: on Thursday, Olson led Parsley 3–1. After the Madville Times called readers' attention to this clearly skewed number, Friday morning's numbers showed Parsley in the lead, 57.7% to 42.3%.

24 hours later, after PP's call to arms?

As of 8:35 CDT, Parsley holds the lead, 57.9% to 42.1%.

[permit me one moment of uncharacteristic macho B.S.]:

Boo-yah! Stick that in your Influence Meter and smoke it!

[there, that's out of my system.]

I love the Internet. This is so fun! Good game, PP! Now let's see how the real game plays out....

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