Purely financial capitalism has perverted the logic of capitalism. Financial capitalism is a system of irresponsibility and... is amoral. It is a system where the logic of the market excuses everything. [1][1] "French, German Leaders Call for 'Moralization' of Capitalism," Deutsche-Welle, 2009.01.08.
It's a system where wealth goes to the wealthy, where work is devalued, where production is devalued, where entrepreneurial spirit is devalued. [1]
In capitalism of the 21st century, there is room for the state. [2]
—French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
On the need to ground capitalism in "values other than the maximum short-term profit": "The greatest entrepreneur I had the chance to meet was passionate about what he had created, not what he had accumulated." [2]
—former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
[2] Emma VanDore, "Sarkozy, Merkel, Blair Call for New Capitalism," AP via Yahoo News, 2009.01.08
Who-ever'd-a thunk that Teddy Roosevelt would be reincarnated in France?