- 942 state jobs, on top of nearly 2000 already made this year
- K-12 teachers (meaning more kids per classroom)
- university enrollment (imagine our Board of Regents telling SDSU and the other campuses, "Don't admit any more students")
- housing assistance for the disabled
- prison bunks—some cons could get early release!
I guess the city of Sioux Falls employees are working without pay in 2025
I am always waiting in anticipation to see what kind of atrocious raises
the directors and managers are getting each year as if they are working for
a tech...
1 day ago
I hope your post proves that across the board cuts are the wrong approach. Instead we need to do the work of prioritizing spending and cut the less important stuff. For example, instead of cutting teachers, cut the entire Department of Education bureaucracy. Instead of adding more to Medicaid via raising the income levels of those who qualify for SCHIP, elect federal representatives and presidents who believe in the limited government our founding fathers created.