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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Johnson Outpolls Karpen 60-40 for PUC

The latest Madville Times poll shows perhaps predictable though not heartening results for Dems hoping to knock off a GOP golden dude and expand the Dems' bench here in South Dakota. I asked, "Who will get your vote for SD Public Utilities Commissioner?" From the poll's opening on Wednesday afternoon to closing at breakfast this morning, 129 of you eager readers gave a majority nod to incumbent commissioner and peppy Republican Dusty Johnson:

77 (60%)
52 (40%)
Votes: 129

Given a margin of error slightly wider than TransCanada's ability to accurately project oil spills, what might we read in these Sunday-morning tea leaves?
  1. Incumbency has its advantages. In a poll on the Secretary of State's race, another statewide office that many voters ignore, Madville Times readers gave Democrat Ben Nesselhuf a 70–26 edge over the GOP's Jason Gant. Both of those candidates are state legislators seeking to replace the outgoing Republican Secretary of State. In the PUC race, Commissioner Johnson can point to achievements in the office he wants to hold for another six years. Evidently the "throw the bums out!" sentiment doesn't extend to Republicans on the PUC.
  2. Commissioner Johnson's been fixing more phones than mine.
  3. Even if the PUC can't do a thing to stop it, the Democrats out there who read this blog are still struggling to justify a vote for a county commissioner who thinks the Hyperion refinery will be "fantastic."
We've got more ballot to cover and big races to re-poll, so stay tuned for more chances to click your picks for November 2! Just four weeks to Election Day—goosebumps!

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